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Advice on risk, vulnerability and Coronavirus for SCI people

Spinal cord injured people (SCI), their families and carers have been contacting SIA to question whether they should be considered as ‘at risk’ or ‘vulnerable’ in light of the Coronavirus epidemic and the guidance published by the Government and NHS England.

In response to this, we produced a document – Advice on risk, vulnerability and Coronavirus for SCI people – to answer your questions and to provide clarity around the issue of risk, vulnerability and Coronavirus for SCI people (adults and children), and to ensure you get the expert care and support you may need.

Everyone’s situation is different and therefore providing the same advice to everyone is not practical. However, we hope that this guidance is helpful and reassuring. Read the full document here.

Please also remember that we have re-deployed our specialist nursing, peer support network and advocacy teams to offer telephone, email and online expertise to support all SCI people who have concerns related to their SCI because of the impact of the Coronavirus epidemic. If you have any questions or concerns call our Advice Line today on 0800 980 0501.