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Support SIA while you shop

Support SIA whilst doing your Amazon online shopping by using Amazon Smile!

Simply shop at smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1054097-0 (or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app) and AmazonSmile donates to SIA.

Pick up the perfect Christmas gifts or indulge in a bit of retail therapy and support SIA completely free of charge, in the easiest of ways.

If you are new to Amazon, setting up an account takes less than two minutes. For existing users, all you need to do is visit smile.amazon.co.uk, enter your usual account details, and search for ‘Spinal Injuries Association’ to select us as your charity of choice.

Once that is done, continue your shopping exactly the same as usual, but with the knowledge that SIA receives a donation of 0.5% on EVERY purchase you make!