
Volunteers' Week 2020

Carl Martin Spinal Injuries Association Support Network OfficerAs part of Volunteers’ Week 2020 we are celebrating the contributions of all our amazing volunteers at SIA.  A while ago we caught up with James to ask him about his experience as a Support Network volunteer.

What motivated you to apply to become a Support Network  Volunteer?

Carl Martin, one of SIA’s Support Network Officers, really helped when he visited me while I was working out my place in the world during those first few weeks after the accident. Peer Support made such an impact on me that I felt I would like to be able to help others in a similar position through their journey.   

What do you enjoy most about the role? 

I really enjoy the feeling that I’m making a difference and having a positive impact on people’s lives. I can empathise with many of the people I support and use the experience of my injury to help others through difficult times. I also get to meet lots of interesting, fantastic people and I love being part of such a great community at SIA!

What sorts of things do you do in your role?

As well as supporting spinal cord injured patients in hospital, we build relationships with medical professionals and explain how the charity can help those who are newly injured. We can also visit people in the community to support them and their family later in their journey.

What would you say to anyone interested in becoming a volunteer?

It’s an incredibly rewarding position, feeling that you are making a difference when someone needs it the most.