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Claire's experience of the Superhero Triathlon

Claire Martin, our chair of trustees, sustained an L3 incomplete injury when an undiagnosed tumour haemorrhaged during giving birth to her son in 2019. She decided to take part in the Superhero Triathlon as part of her rehab.

Here she tells us about her experience.

When Claire signed up for the Superhero Triathlon she was feeling worried about taking part, but quickly realised that there was no need to worry. The event is incredibly inclusive and accessible. Benefiting mentally and physically from taking part, she found herself being left motivated with an incredible lifelong memory of elation upon crossing the finish line, which she still regularly comes back to when she needs to readjust to the expectations of living with a spinal injury.

Getting the bug for fundraising after sharing her story honestly with family, friends and colleagues she is now asking what are you waiting for – why don’t you join team SIA for this year’s Superhero Triathlon event?

sign up today