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Carlisle community group

Carlisle community group

Tuesday 17 December 2024

About this event

Our local community groups are a great way of connecting to other people with SCI, their friends and families and they offer regular opportunities to socialise.

The Carlisle community group meets 11am-1pm usually on the second to last Wednesday of the month. For more information email our support coordinator Richard.

carlise community group

Meet Your Host – Rich Devine

Rich DevineHello! My name is Rich and I’m your SIA regional support coordinator in Carlise.

I sustained a C6 spinal cord injury following a sporting accident, which affects my mobility and sensation from the chest down. I’ve lived with tetraplegia and as a wheelchair user since 2012.

If you’ve recently become injured, already living with a spinal cord injury, or are close to someone who is, you’re in the right place. You can book a support session, book a call or find out more about the upcoming community groups by contacting your local support co-ordinator.

your support coordinator