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Health and Care Advisory Group

The Health and Care Advisory Group are multidisciplinary clinical experts across the field of spinal cord injury who will inform and support the work of the Frank Williams Academy.

Our advisory group will provide us with professional advice and support, enabling us to check the accuracy and relevance of our health policy and campaigning work, whilst also informing us of emerging clinical issues we should be focused on addressing in our future planning.

The HCAG will help us to co-ordinate best practice and consistency of clinical care, to ensure we are meeting the needs of people living with spinal cord injury, their families, and healthcare professionals working across the different settings and disciplines of spinal cord treatment and care.

health care advisory group

Role of Health and Care Advisory Group

The HCAG works to:  

  • Inform the plans and work of the charity ensuring our focus is on meeting the needs of people living with spinal cord injury and healthcare professionals.
  • Bring insight and awareness of issues in spinal injury care, highlighting concerns affecting both healthcare professionals and people living with spinal cord injury.
  • Guide our response to government and organisational policy decision-making that impacts healthcare professionals and the care, safety and treatment of people with spinal cord injury.
  • Promote and communicate our work and initiatives to healthcare professionals across relevant organisations and networks.
  • Review and support us to achieve a common approach to research and future service development.
  • Represent healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and care of spinal cord injuries providing our work with holistic, patient-centred, insight.
  • Advise on health inequalities, enabling us to build these areas into our campaigning and policy responses.

In early 2025, we are launching a newly established Clinical Advisory Group to support our services and organisational development.

  • We are welcoming applications from health and social care professionals to join as members of this group.
  • Closing date: Friday 7 February 2025 
  • For further enquires please contact: Lewis Petty (SIA policy & health influencing manager) [email protected]

Click on the buttons below to view our terms of reference document, and to register an expression of interest in joining the group: 


Health Care Advisory Group expression of interest form


Please provide answers to the following questions:

We would like to keep you informed about our campaigning and services, appeals and others ways you can support our work. Your support and involvement with SIA helps us to empower spinal cord injured (SCI) people and their families to live fulfilled lives.

Are you happy for us to contact you in the future using the details provided above?

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