Applying to grant making trusts

Help for covering the cost of vital investments

Throughout life, we can find ourselves in situations where we are faced with the dilemma of needing to invest in an essential item but not having the cash to spare. For spinal cord injured people, that could include needing to buy expensive pieces of equipment, such as wheelchairs, assistive technology or power-assisted kit, or paying for costly home adaptations.

No one should have to go without the tools needed to lead a fulfilled life because they can’t afford them. Thankfully, there are several organisations that offer emergency financial support. Knowing where to turn is the start.

Each charitable fund has its own criteria, and it’s about finding the right one for you. The list of organisations and their contact details included in our Applying to grant making trusts fact sheet will help you narrow down the search and get you on your way to making an application that should allow you to afford essential items that could vastly improve your quality of life.

Advice over the phone

If you’re worried about covering the cost of life’s essential purchases, call our freephone support line on 0800 980 0501 for more advice.