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Your vote counts

We’re currently in the midst of membership elections in our search for three members to join our board of trustees from February. Excitingly, we have eight promising candidates in the running, who between them represent a range of injuries as well as varied skills and expertise. 

All of our spinal cord injured members are eligible to vote and as such should have received an email from our elections partner, Civica Elections Service (CES), with instructions on voting. This is a great opportunity to get involved and help shape the make-up of the board.

If you’re eligible to do so please vote.

We want our board to best reflect the voices and diversity of our community, as well as the skills and expertise that will further strengthen the board’s role in good governance. You have a say, your voice matters. 

All SCI members will have received an email with a bespoke link providing access to videos and short statements from the candidates. 

Voting deadline – Friday 2 December

Please look out for a reminder from ‘CES’ on, Friday 25 November, in advance of the voting deadline at 5pm on Friday 2 December. If you haven’t received anything by Monday 28 November, please email [email protected]

Happy voting!